Tuesday 16 September 2014

Our Inquiry Script

My Reflection:
We were learning to make a video for our school to help them know what to do in a fire drill.
First we had to right a script and practice the words then the whole thing together , then with the camera. I found it very fun and exciting . My next step is to write a better script .

Diamante Poem About Opposites

My Reflection:
I was learning to write a Diamante poem about opposites for example grass and dead grass,
black and white and dead and alive. I tried to use black and white but could not find doing words
for the 2 subjects. My next step is to find something a little more easier than black and white.  

Math Problem

My Reflection:
I was learning to make a square out of 9 different sizes of paper.
I found it very confusing  to find the hidden clue of adding the numbers in the square. 
For example 4 + 14 = 18, 8+ 7 = 15 and 10+ 4= 14.
My next is to think about the numbers and shapes.

Monday 15 September 2014

Anna's Daffodil Diamante Poem

My Reflection:
I was learning to right a synonym Diamante Poem.I found it easy to right a Diamante poem
 and come up with verbs, adjectives and nouns.My next step is to try a different poem.