Friday, 28 February 2014

Make and Break

We were learning how to Make and Break numbers up to 20.
I found it easy to add numbers to twenty because I new my basic facts up to twenty.
My next step is to use complicating facts such as division and brackets.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

My Did You Ever poem

My Reflection

I found out how to write a Did You Ever poem.  I felt confident writing this poem and needed it to be a bit more challenging for me.  It helped to think of how my emotions were when I watched the movie to come up with my ideas.  My next step is to come up with more interesting vocabulary. 

Monday, 10 February 2014

My welcome post

Hi!!  My name is Anna.This is my blog full of learnig and art.  My favourite colours are blue and green, purple, black, gold and white and red, etc.  My hobbies are art, being crazy, talking to myself and laughing really weird.  Lastly my favourite subject is......ART!  Can't wait to see what you think of my blog!!!!!!!!!!